healthy lifestyle


Getting a quality night sleep - YOUTOHEALTHY

The Mechanism of Sleeping: How to Get a Restful Night Sleep

Sleep is a state of biological quiescence when the body undergoes maintenance and repair. All living creatures sleep. And man is no exception. The physiology of sleep goes through different stages of a deep slumber by which the body gets refreshed and ready for the next day. Getting adequate sleep at night reflects positively on your body’s health, mood, and well-being. Conversely, inadequate sleep, for any reason, will make you tired and out of focus the next day. What Are...

health benefits of gardening

4 Secret Health Benefits of Gardening

Summer will soon be here, and with that, it means growth! While everything will turn green or bloom with beauty, it’s a good idea to get out in the garden and try to sow some of your favorite plants.  Now granted, not everyone has a green thumb, but there are lots of health benefits to gardening that you may not have realized. It’s a simple and productive way to spend time outside, boosting your Vitamin D levels, without worrying about...

protein powders
Time management

5 Smart Tips for Better Time Management

 Let’s face it, all of us want to be more productive than we actually are. We go to bed at night thinking about all the things we didn’t do, and hope we can accomplish them the following day.  Procrastination has risen to an all-time high given COVID-19’s regulation to stay at home. It’s hard to stay motivated, with everything online. However, there are ways to motivate yourself and increase your time management skills, just with some simple exercises.  Wouldn’t it...

5 Ways to Increase Your Productivity through Office Feng Shui

 Being at home during this social distancing has put a strain on our productivity. There’s been more procrastination, drinking, and TV watching now more than ever.  We try to set up our home offices to be our spaces for concentration and productivity, but it’s hard to do both when kids are yelling in the background, the dog needs to be let outside or there’s construction going on down the street.  While these are just a few of the new distractions...

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