Health & Fitness


Yoga as a healthy choice for improving posture - YOUTOHEALTHY
Ketto diet effectiveness

Can the Keto Diet Actually Work?

 In the world of fad diets, keto has one of the largest followings. From cookbooks to YouTube videos, the keto diet remains popular and relevant, with a simple structure for anyone interested in trying it.  A keto dieter focuses on eating food with very low carbohydrates and high-fat qualities. This replacement of carbohydrates with fats shifts your metabolism into a state called ketosis, which is how the diet got its name.  The process of ketosis allows your metabolism to burn...

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protein powders
Woman listening to podcast for exercising

The Best Teas for Boosting Your Metabolism

A typical person can drink anywhere from two to even ten cups of tea a day. Most health professionals recommend around three to five cups a day, depending on what type of tea you want to drink.  I, for one, am a huge fan of caffeinated tea, as it gives me the energy boost I need in the morning, without the coffee breath. Plus, there seem to be a lot more flavor options when it comes to caffeinated tea than...

Developing a Workout Routine that Will Last for Good - YouToHealthy
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