Waffle heart with sugar by congerdesign - YOUTOHEALTHY

What Does the Sugar in Our Diet Do to Us?

Sugar is an ever-present topic that haunts the nutrition and fitness industry. It is prevalent in almost every single diet in the United States. While sugar can be a killer when it comes to nutrition, it depends on the type and quantity. We have indeed started to combat this with alternatives in the organic industry and the popularity of different diets and lifestyle changes in recent years, but sadly, sugar remains just as popular as ever. It is everywhere. Now,...

Yoga as a healthy choice for improving posture - YOUTOHEALTHY
Getting a quality night sleep - YOUTOHEALTHY

The Mechanism of Sleeping: How to Get a Restful Night Sleep

Sleep is a state of biological quiescence when the body undergoes maintenance and repair. All living creatures sleep. And man is no exception. The physiology of sleep goes through different stages of a deep slumber by which the body gets refreshed and ready for the next day. Getting adequate sleep at night reflects positively on your body’s health, mood, and well-being. Conversely, inadequate sleep, for any reason, will make you tired and out of focus the next day. What Are...

How to reverse the process of aging - YouToHealthy

How to Reverse the Aging Process Naturally

Aging is the chronological advancement in age. It’s also defined as the process by which a living creature gets older. In humans, aging represents the accumulation of physical, psychological, and social changes in a human being over time. Chronologically, aging cannot be reversed, but changes related to aging can be ameliorated naturally. Aging is the greatest known risk factor for most human diseases, and about two-thirds of people die from age-related causes. Different major health killers include heart disease and...

Ketto diet effectiveness

Can the Keto Diet Actually Work?

 In the world of fad diets, keto has one of the largest followings. From cookbooks to YouTube videos, the keto diet remains popular and relevant, with a simple structure for anyone interested in trying it.  A keto dieter focuses on eating food with very low carbohydrates and high-fat qualities. This replacement of carbohydrates with fats shifts your metabolism into a state called ketosis, which is how the diet got its name.  The process of ketosis allows your metabolism to burn...

self care isn t selfish signage
natural insect repellents
health benefits of gardening

4 Secret Health Benefits of Gardening

Summer will soon be here, and with that, it means growth! While everything will turn green or bloom with beauty, it’s a good idea to get out in the garden and try to sow some of your favorite plants.  Now granted, not everyone has a green thumb, but there are lots of health benefits to gardening that you may not have realized. It’s a simple and productive way to spend time outside, boosting your Vitamin D levels, without worrying about...

protein powders
powerful plants

4 Powerful Plants That Help You Heal Cuts and Bruises

Summer is the season for enjoying the outdoors, whether it’s kayaking, climbing, running, hiking, or any other activity.  While fun in the sun is good for you, as it boosts your vitamin D levels, it can also lead to cuts and bruises if you’re not careful.  Although our bodies have an effective and rather quick way of healing our own injuries, we can use supplements and plants to help boost our healing processes.  Today, we want to discuss four powerful...

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